May 23, 2009: Vicky + Tony's Wedding.

Partly cloudy with scattered thunderstorms. That was the weather forecast for May 23rd 2009 in Houston, Tx. At least that's what it seemed like from what I remember. Joseph and I pull up to a soggy St. Vincent de Paul parking lot. We're about 3 minutes late. That's OK the ceremony doesn't start for another 27 minutes. Diem of is the main photographer and has been shooting for a few hours already. He's been covering the bride as she gets ready to partake in a day that she's probably planned since she was 13. The sun is shining at this particular spot, but you can tell there was rain afoot.

A day earlier, Josephine and I sought out to purchase a sort of camera stabilizer, and were about to try it out for the first time on this beautiful wedding. I'm a little nervous as to how it will work since I have no clue how to balance it. I'd also like to thank Costas of for letting us borrow his wide angle lens. Joseph is in charge of a lot of the footage taken so props to him for working with an unbalanced glidecam! Josephine wasn't able to make it out but was fortunate enough to substitute me at my nephew's birthday party. I had told him before that I would make it but I knew Diem could use a helping hand. So a huge thanks goes out to Josephine for subbing for me. Tracy was working today but she was with us inside of Joseph's heart... not physically.

I don't know Tony and Vicky but after spending their wedding day with them, I've come to find out that they have some of the funniest personalities around. It's almost hilarious to see them so serious in some of these photos but as you'll see in the trailer teaser video that they are quite animated. They were a blast to work with and Diem is also a blessing to be the lead photographer. It was great to watch him work and do what he does. Diem, thanks a lot for giving JHP the opportunity to help you out. There wasn't any rain that could've stopped us from getting our shots that day. Luckily... we didn't have to put that mentality to the test. Props, God.

Here are some of the highlights of the wedding. Press play and let load. HD quality can be found if you hit the HD button!


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